Evil Hunter Tycoon: Training Ground Tips

In Evil Hunter Tycoon: How to Reincarnate Hunters, we explained a way to unlock the Normal difficulty mode. You also learned the entire reincarnation process. In this guide, we will learn how to make proper use of the training ground.  

As the name suggests, Training ground is used to train hunters to make them stronger. You will need to craft or produce “Tactics” to increase a hunter’s level significantly. For example:  A single “Beginner Tactics” can increase a character’s level by 40 in just 30 minutes. If a hunter’s current level is 60 and if you use the beginner level tactics to train him, he will reach level 100 in no time.  

Increase hunter level in the Training Ground.

There are various types of materials that can be used to craft tactics. In case of beginner’s tactics, you can use 21 linen cloth to produce 1 tactics. There are also other materials, such as leftover orange, rotten fruit and elemental, that can be used to produce beginner level tactics. You will need 21 leftover orange or 2000 elementals to produce 1 tactics. You can also use 21 soggy flour to craft it. Here’s a step-by-step guide to use the Training Ground in Evil Hunter Tycoon in a proper way:  

Upgrade two hunters to level 100 each and reincarnate them. Once you do this, you can change the difficulty level to “Normal”. Tap on the difficulty level icon on the upper-left corner of the screen to change the difficulty.  

Important: Once you change the difficulty level to Normal, you can only deploy only those two reincarnated hunters to hunt monsters in the invaded land and other areas in the outskirts of your town.   

Want to know more about gameplay and beginner tips/strategies? Check out what we have written:  

After unlocking Normal mode, build the Training ground. You will need less than 5000 gold to build one.  

Switch back to Easy mode via the top-left hand corner icon and move all hunters to the easiest hunting area, i.e. Invaded Land to battle monsters. In the same difficulty mode, request these items via the trading post from hunters: Linen Cloth, Leftover Orange, Soggy Cloth. The first two are very easy to get so make sure you request several of them. You can also tap on floating blue/green elementals to collect them as they also can be used to craft beginner tactics.  

Go back to Normal mode and produce Beginner Tactics in the training ground. Use the above materials to craft one. You will also have to spend some gold to complete production.  

Now tap on a hunter who has not been reincarnated yet. You will notice that the training option is available in the menu below him. Note that change in difficulty is crucial to train hunters as this option won’t be available in the Easy difficulty level.  

You can now quickly train a hunter level him up by 40.  

Along with the Training Ground, you can also follow other methods to level up heroes fast. Our beginner-level Evil Hunter Tycoon Leveling Guide will help you do so.  

Last Updated on April 15, 2020 by Jude

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